The Prophet's Way of Life, His Sunnah & Teachings
The Idea is, to put in our hearts, the Holy Prophet Mohammad's (SAWS) morals & habits so that we may love him more & more & be motivated to follow his habits & Sunnah ( or traditions & life-example).
2.Quran( 9:128 ) "There has come to you a messenger, (one) of yourselves, unto whom aught that you are overburdened is grievous, full of concern for you, for the believers full of pity, merciful".
3.Quran ( 33:53 ) "....Lo ! that would cause annoyance to the Prophet, & he would be shy of (asking) you (to go); but Allah is not shy of the truth".
The shyness was in personal matters but not in the preaching of Allah's orders.
The shyness was in personal matters but not in the preaching of Allah's orders.
4.Hadith: (According to Anas): "I served the Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) (and his family) for ten years. (During these 10 years) he (was never cross and) never said even oh ! and never asked as to why I did this or didn't do that (Bukhari & Muslim). Look at the tolerance, kindness, compassion & forgiveness.
5.Hadith: In another tradition, Anas reported walking with the Prophet Mohammad(SAWS) who was then wearing an outer garment made in Najran. He met a villager ( or "Badawi") who held his outer garment and pulled him very close and then said: "O Mohammad ! Give me from what Allah has given you for this property". The Holy Prophet looked at him, smiled and issued an order for him. (Bukhari & Muslim).
6.Hadith: (According to Anas): "The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) was the best behaved & mannered of all. One day he sent me somewhere with some business. Anas said, "I won't go" but did intend to go there. (This is because he was only a child). I came to the market (on my way) and passed thought some playing children. Suddenly, the Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) appeared from behind me and help me by the neck. I looked behind and he was smiling. He said, "You are going where I told you to go". I said, "Yes OProphet Mohammad (SAWS) ! I'm going".
7.Hadith: (According to Jabir) : "The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) never refused a request. If he had it, he gave it. If he did not have it then he expressed his apology & promised to give in the future. (Bukhari & Muslim).
8.Hadith: (According to Anas): A man asked for goats from the Holy Prophet Mohammad(SAWS) (that were his) and were there between two mountains. He gave him all of them. The man came to his people and asked them to become Muslim. He said, "By God.Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) gives his people a lot & is not bothered by giving away all or everything. (Muslim).
9.Hadith: (According to Jubair bin M'atam): He was with the Holy Prophet Mohammad(SAWS) when the latter was returning from Hunain. The villagers held him and kept on begging. They pushed him to a (thorny) tree and pulled away his (outer) garment. He stood there saying, "Give back my garment. If I now had as many camels as these trees, I would have distributed all of them among you. You won't find me miser, liar or little at heart". (Bukhari)
10.Hadith: (According to Anas): "After the morning (or Fajr) prayer the slaves or servants of the people of Madinah (or medina) used to present their containers of water for the Prophet Mohammad's (SAWS) blessing. Even in a cold morning, he used to touch the water. (Muslim)
11.Hadith: (According to Anas): The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) never lost temper nor sweared. If he didn't like something, he would say, "What is the matter with him ? Let there be dust on his forehead" which is of no harm. If this meant "sajdah" or prostration in the prayer then it is a prayer for becoming a praying man and prayer presents from evil and wicked things. So this is a prayer for reform.
12.Hadith: (According to Abu Saeed Khudri): The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) was more shy & modest man than a virgin lady. If he did not like something ( he may not say so ) but he could see the effect of disliking on his face. (Bukhari & Muslim).
13.Hadith: (According to Aswad): was asked lady, Aaishah about the activities of the HolyProphet Mohammad (SAWS) at home. She told him that he was occupied with them in the household work. (Bukhari).
14.Hadith: (According to Lady Aaishah): "The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) used to tie knots & repair his shoes, sow his clothes, and do all such household works just like an average person among you does". And he said, "he was one of the human beings (who did not live like a boss or lord at home). He would check for lice on his clothes (that they may not have come from someone else). He would milk the goat, do other household works as well as his personal work". (Trimizi)
15.Hadith: (According to Lady Aaishah): The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) never beat (or battered) anyone, neither a women nor a servant. But the Holy war of defense was an exception. He never took revenge and always forgave those who caused him trouble or harm. But when an Islamic law was broken (or "Haram" was committed) then he would do justice and give punishment according to law (or Shari'ah) (Muslim).
16.Hadith: (According to Anas): I was eight years of age when I became the Holy Prophet Mohammad's (SAWS) servant and served him for 10 years. He never rebuked me even when I broke or damaged something. If his family said something strong, then he would tell them leave it & to forget about it. Whatever Allah has destined will happen".
17.Hadith: (According to Anas): I know the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) used to console & comfort the sick, & accompany the funeral procession. (Ibne Majah & Behiqi)
18.Hadith: (According to Anas): Whenever the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) shook hands with someone he would not pull out his hands until the other person did so. And he would not remove his attention from a person unless he did so (first). When he sat in a row, he did not put his legs beyond others. And he was not seen extending his legs in front of anyone. (Trimizi)
19.Hadith: (According to Companion Ali, as narrated by his son Imam Hussain): When the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) retired to his home, he would divide his stay there in three parts: one for worshipping Allah, one for his family, and one for himself. The last part he used to spend with his special companions (or Sahabah) so that the general public could benefit through them. Here, He favored with his company the (more) knowledgeable & their pious and spent his time with them according to their religious ranks & needs (that could be one or two or more). He spent his time with them & kept them occupied in such things as were good for them & the Muslim community, for example enquiring (and learning) the Islamic law or giving suitable & pertinent information. Everybody went there to learn & come out with food & guidance. This was the Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) special "majlis" or audience at his residence (Shamaile Trimizi). Hussain then asked his father concerning theProphet Mohammad's (SAWS) behaviors (when outside the home) among his companions. Hazarat Ali (RA) told, The Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) was always polite, kind & merciful. People did not quarrel among themselves before him. When somebody talked to him, he would listen quietly until completion. He exercised patience when a rude or bad-mannered strange asked or said something. He did not stop a conversation so long as it did not exceed the limits (of Shari'ah). Otherwise, he would change the topic or stop him or leave the scene. This was the Prophet Mohammad's (SAWS) general "majlis" or audience with his friends (Shamaile Tirmizi).
20.Hadith: (According to Abu Hurairah): Once the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) was asked to curse the polytheists. He replied, "I'm not sent to curse buy only as a merciful (to all nations)" (Muslim). He prayed even for his enemies. Seeking Allah's protection against one's enemies is a different matter & is also a prayer.
21.Hadith: (According to Lady 'Aaishah): In the story of Taif, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) suffered more than in the battle of U'had from his enemies, the polytheists. The arch angel Gabriel came with the angel in charge of the mountains who saluted the Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) and said "O Mohammad ! I'm the angle of the mountains. Allah has sent me to obey your orders. If you wish, I can bring the two mountains together & cause them to die in between". But the Prophet Mohammad(SAWS) said, "No ! I'm hoping that Allah may produce from their progeny (Muslims) who work ship Allah alone & who do not make partners with Allah". The Prophet Mohammad(SAWS) was right & all the people of Tai (and Arabia) are Muslims now, thanks to Almighty God & His compassionate Prophet.
22.Hadith: (According to Ali): In a long story, there is mention of Jew in Medina who had loaned some money to Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS). Once the Jew harassed & did not let the Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) go home from the mosque for "Zuhar" or after-noon prayer till next day. The people were angry but the Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) forbade any transgression. The next day, the Jew declared his Islam & recited the Holy Kalimah (of shahadat) & admitted that he was only testing him & found him exactly as was foretold in the Torah (Old Testament of Bible). (Behiqi & Mishkat)